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SpeakEasy Math: Experimental Word List

by Bill Lauritzen

If Kids Could Vote...

2-D = flat
3-D = shape
3-D figure or spacial figure = shape
abscissa = x-line
absolute value = span
acute angle = sharp nik
add = --
addition property = add fact
adjacent = by
adjacent angles = by-niks
adjacent side = by side
algebra = symbols (or abstract math)
algorithm = recipe
alternate exterior angles = other-side out-niks
alternate interior angles = other-side in-niks
analysis of variance = shift breakdown
angle = nik
angle bisector = nik halfer
arc = --
area = skin or fill
arithmetic = numbers
arithmetic sequence = add-same
associative property = grouping property
axis of symmetry = line of turn-same
bicyclix = two-wheel
binomial = two-term binomial theorem = 2-term rule
bisector = halfer
brachistochrone (curve of fastest descent) = fast curve
calculus = curve science or curves
catenary = hang
catenoid = hang-oid
center of gravity (barycentric point) = balance point or center of mass
center of rotation = spin point
centimeter = huni-meter
chord = --
circle = ring
circle = ring, wheel, roll, round, or O
circumscribe = around-draw or out-fit
coefficient = front
collinear = same-line
common denominator = pattern-match
commutative property = switching or order property
compass = ring-maker
complement = fill
complement = right-fill
complementary angles = right-fill niks
completing the square = finishing the twoed
composite number = patterned number
concentric circles = same-center rings
conditional statement = if-say
cone = --
congruent = matching
conical helix = cone-coil
conical sections = cone slices
conjecture = guess
conjunction = and-say
consecutive = next-to
consecutive exterior angles = same-side out-niks
consecutive interior angles = same-side in-niks
constant = still
continuous = unbroken
convex = out
convex polygon = out-many-nik
coordinates = facets
coplanar = same-flat
correlation = like or link
corresponding angles = kin-niks or like-niks
corresponding side = like-side
cos = bol
cosecant ratio = long/far or LoF [long side over far side]
cosine curve = bol curve
cosine ratio = by/long or BoL [by side over long side]
cot = bof
cotangent ratio (5) = by/far or BoF [by side over far side]
csc = lof
cube = even-box or box or cube
cubed = pow three or threed or three’d
cubeoctahedron = cubic-6-nook
cubic centimeter = cubic huni-meter
cumulative amount = so-far-sum
curve segment = curvet
cycloid = roll-curve
cylinder = can
decagon = 10-nik
decimal = tenal
decimeter = teni-meter
deduction = using-a-rule
degrees = twiks
denominator = pattern
dependent variable = fixed changeable
derivative = branch
descriptive statistics = number-fact showing
desired outcomes = wants
diagonal = across
diameter = across
differential = slope or touch-line
differentiation = slope-finding
dihedral angle = two-flat nik
dimensions = measures
direct = straight
direct proportion = straight-zoom or boost
discount = down-count
disjunction = or-say
distribution = spread
distributive property = spreading fact
divide = --
divisible = --
dodecahedron = 20-nook
domain = home
dynamic Math = changing Patterns
eccentricity = ovalness
edge = lip
ellipse = oval
ellipsoid = oval-oid
equals = balances or evens or matches
equation = match or balance
equiangular = match-niked
equilateral triangle = even three-nik
equivalent fractions = matching fractions
expanded form = balloon form
experiment = try
experimental design or protocol = try-plan
exponent = pow or buff
exterior = out
exterior angle = out-nik
exterior secant segment = out-ring-linet
face = flat
factor = --
first derivative = first branch
fraction = --
frequency = repeat
function = in-out
geometric sequence = times-same
geometry = Shapes
greatest common factor = nearest-match-factor
helix = coil
hexagon = 6-nik
hexahedron = 8-nook
highly composite = versatile
histogram = past-spread
horizontal = left-right
hyperbola = over-throw
hypotenuse = long or shlong
hypothesis = say
icosagon = 20-nik
icosahedron = 12-nook
identity element of add. = same-same for add
identity element of mult. = same-same for times
improper fraction = overfilled pattern
independent variable = unfixed changeable
induction = making-a-rule
inequality = no-match
inferential statistics = number-fact conclusions
infinite = endless
infinitesimal = smallest
inscribe = in-draw or in-fit
integral = whole
integration = fill-finding or grouping
intercept = cut
interior = in
interior angle = in-nik
intersection = cross or cut
inverse = flip
inverse = not
inverse proportion = flip-zoom or shrink
irrational number = no-to number
irregular = uneven
irregular octahedron = uneven 6-nook
irregular pentagon = uneven 5-nik
irregular tetrahedron = uneven 4-nook
isosceles triangle = two-match three-nik
kilometer = thousand-meter
lateral = side
lateral area = side fill or side skin
latitude = north
least com. denominator = nearest-match-pattern
least common multiple = nearest-match-multiple
legs = --
limit = stop
line = --
linear equation = line-match
logarithm = --
longitude = east
mathematics = pattern science
maxima = highs
maximum = high
maximum = highest
mean = average
measure = measure or how-much
measure of an angle = turn of a nik
measurement = --
measures of central tendency = landmarks
median = middle
meter = --
metric system = ten system
mid-point = half-point
millimeter = thou-meter
minima = lows
minimum = low
minimum = lowest
mode = often
monomial = one-term
multiple = --
multiplication property = times fact
multiply = --
mutually exclusive = no-both
negative = back
negative numbers = backs
normal distribution = normal spread
numerator = fill
observation = see
obtuse angle = blunt nik or dull nik
octahedron = 6-nook
operations = deeds
opposite = back
opposite = far
opposite side = far side
ordinate = y-line
origin = start
outlier = --
parabola = throw
paraboloid = throw-oid
parallel = along
parallelogram = all-along-4-nik
pentagon = 5-nik
pentagonal prism = 5-nik prism
per = to or for-one
percent = per-hun or to-hun
perimeter = around or border or fence
perpendicular = right-crossing or right
perpendicular bisector = right halfer
place value = place amount
plane = flat or flat-go (infinite)
plane figure = flat
plane Geometry = Flats
point = dot or point
polygon = many-nik or n-nik
polygons = many-niks or n-niks or flats
Polyhedra = many-nooks or n-nooks
polyhedron = many-nook or n-nook
polynomial = many-terms
positive = front
positive numbers = fronts
possible outcomes = cans
prime number = --
prism = two-base-match-along
probability = chance
proof = showing
properties = Facts
properties of equality = balance fact
proportion = zoom or to-to
proportional = zoomable or to-to
protractor = nik-ring
prove = show
pseudosphere = horn
quadrant = fourth
quadratic = twoed or pow-two
quadratic equation = pow two match or two’d match
quadratic equation = pow-two match
quadrilateral = 4-nik
quadrilateral family = four-nik family
quartiles = fourths
radicals = plus roots
radius = spoke
range = --
range = --
rate = to or for-one
ratio = to
ray = --
reciprocal = flip
rectangle = right 4-nik
reflection = mirror
reflexive property (A=A) = is fact
regular = even
regular hexahedron or cube = even-box or even 8-nook
regular octahedron = even 6-nook
regular pentagon = even 5-nik
regular tetrahedron = even 4-nook
relation = --
remainder = left-over
rhombus = --
rhombus = same-side-4-nik
right angle = right nik or fourth-nik
right triangle = right 3-nik
ring = fat-ring
rotation = spin
ruler = straight-edge
scale factor = zoom factor
scalene triangle = no-match 3-nik
sec = lob
secant = ring-line
secant ratio (4) = long/by or LoB [long side over by side]
secant segment = ring-linet
segment = seg or linet
sequence = follow
sequential = following
series = --
shear = --
similar = zoom or zoomy
similar figures = zoomies
similar triangles = zoomy three-niks
similarity = zoomity
simultaneous equations = same-time matches
sine curve = fol curve
sine ratio = far/long or FoL [far side over long side]
solid Geometry = Shapes
solution = answer
sphere = ball
spiral = --
square = square or even 4-nik
square root = second root
squared = pow two or twoed or two’d
standard deviation = standard spread
statistics = fact-numbers
stretch = --
substitution = trade
substitution property = swap fact
subtends = makes or forms
subtract = take-away
supplement = straight-fill
supplementary angles = straight-fill niks
symmetric property = turn-same fact
symmetry = turn-same
tan = fob
tangent line = touching line or touch
tangent ratio = far/by or FoB [far side over by side]
terminating decimal = ending ten-al
tetrahedron = 4-nook or simplex
the converse = flip
to the fourth power = pow four or foured or four’d
torus = donut
tractrix = right tow
transformations = changes
transitive property = swap fact
translation = slide
transversal = crosser or cut
trapezoid = along-4-nik
triangle = 3-nik or simplat
trigonometric ratios = three-nik "to"s
trigonometric tables = 3-nik tables
trigonometry = three-nik zooming
truncated tetrahedron = cut-off-4-nook
union = --
unit = one
units = ones
unknown = not-known
value = amount or number
variable = changeable
variance = shift
Venn diagram = overlap
vertex = nik-dot or nook-dot or nook
vertical = up-down
vertical angles = facing niks
volume = fill
x coordinate = x facet
x-axis = x-line
x-intercept = x-cut
y-axis = y-line
y-intercept = y-cut
zero = none or nothing
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