Home > Articles > Psycho-Slang


by Bill Lauritzen

(for experimental use only)


psychology = mind-science or mind-healing or cognitive-science or mind-study

psychologist = mind-scientist or mind-healer or nerve-healer or mind-studier

psychotherapy = mind-healing or nerve-healing

psychoanalyst = past-mind-healer

psychoanalytic perspective = depth-view

behavioral psychologist = do-ist or do-scientist or pair-and-shape scientist

behavioral perspective = do-view

cognitive perspective = thought-view

cognitive psychologist = thought-healer or thought-studier

adaptation = change-fit-copy

socio-cultural perspective = community-view

society = people-tools-rules

culture = people-tools-rules

social psychology =

sociology = people-study

trait = --

personality = --

biological perspective = bio-view

intellectual harassment = making students learn archaic Latin and Greek nomenclature

Psychological Disorders = Mind-Messes

depression = down

major depression = way-down

minor depression (dysthemia) = mini-down

manic episode = up-event

bipolar disorder = roller-coaster

depressants = downers

stimulants = uppers

hallucinations = fake-images

delusions = fake-ideas

hallucination = fake-seeing

pseudo-science = fake-science

dissociative disorders = splitting disorders

dissociative amnesia = split-memory

dissociative fugue = split-flee

dissociative identity disorder = many-personalities disorder

somatization = vague-mindmess-to-body

hypochondriasis = certain-mindmess-to-body

neuropsychological disorders = body-to-mindmess

insomnia = no-sleep

etiology = causes

psychopath (or sociopath or antisocial personality) = people-harmer

phobia = junk-fear

social phobia = people-fear

claustrophobia = trap-fear

agoraphobia = crowd-fear

anorexia nervosa = fat-fear

bulima nervosa (7) = in-food-out-food (4)

morbid = unwholesome

Cognition = Mind-Processes

concept = collection of neuro-images into one idea

abstract = map (v.) mapped (n.)

abstracting = map-making

abstraction = map or cognitive map CM

association = joining or linking (necessary for concepts and ideas and judgments) by time or space or likeness (energy-mass)

differentiation = splitting or unlinking or sensing

intelligence = survivability

imagination = image-remixing or image-recombination or image-ination

orders of abstraction = map-levels

latent = hidden

latent learning = hidden learning

anthropomorphism (6) = saying-human-like (5)

structural differential = CM-model or cognitive-mapping-model

semantics = meanings

phonics = sounds

heuristic = rule-of-thumb

algorithm = rule-of-logic

empiricism = try-know

empirical = try

rationalism = logic-know

materialism = matter-energy-ism or energism

epistemology = knowledge-study

ontology = be-study

Evolutionary Psychology

innate = in-born

instinct = in-born

hereditary = in-born

heredity = in-born-ness

environment = surrounding

nature vs. nurture = in-born vs. learned

Behaviorism = Do-ism stimulus = in-put

response = out-put

classical conditioning = reflex pairing

operant (respondent) conditioning = shaping

extinction =

generalization = spreading or in-take-spreading

discrimination = splitting (of in-take-pairs)

higher-order conditioning = higher-order-pairing

unconditioned stimulus = reflex-in

unconditioned response = reflex-out

conditioned stimulus = conditioned-in

conditioned response = conditioned-out

Experiments and Statistics = Trys and Number-Facts experiment = try

observation = see

description = say

hypothesis = guess

replication = re-do

theory = broad knowledge map or cognitive map or model (CM)

variable = changeable

correlation coefficient = link-number

correlation = link

Sensation and Perception = In-Putting or In-Taking sense = in-put

sensations = in-puts

sensing = in-putting

senses = in-putters

sensitivity =

perceive = get

perceiving = getting

perception = get

cochlea = snail

ossicles = middle-ear-bones

frequency = often (n.)

amplitude = loudness

audition = hearing

pinna = fin

timbre =

decibels = ten-i-bels

auditory canal = ear-canal

eustachian tube =

vestibular sense = balance in-take

cornea = clear-cover

pupil = eye-hole

iris = rainbow

accommodation = far-change

sensory adaptation = in-take-change

absolute threshold = smallest-in-take

difference threshold = difference-in-take

just noticeable difference (jnd) =

retina = eye-dish or dish

rods = grey-cells

cones = color-cells

lens = --

dark adaptation = dark-change

accommodation = lens-change

transducer = energy-changer (electromagnetic energy to electrical energy)

receptor cells = in-take-cells

fovea = focal-point

neuron =

axon =

dendrite = in-branch

optic nerve = eye-nerve

synapse = neuron-gap

peripheral retina = dish-edge

chromatic = colorful

achromatic = no-color

pigments =

photopigments = light-coloring

hue = color

trichromatic vision = 3-color vision

dichromatic vision = 2-color vision (color blind)

monochromatic = 1-color

occipital lobe = rear-lobe or see-lobe

olfaction = smell

olfactory bulbs = smell-bulbs

olfactory epithelium = smell-tissue

gustation = taste

tactile = touch

kinesthetic = body-motion

endorphins =

infrared = below-red

ultraviolet = beyond-violet

Memory semantic memory =

Physiological Psychology or Bio-Psychology= Bio-Mind-Study

artery = blood channel

vein = blood tube

cortex = outer or shell

cerebral cortex = outer-brain

cerebrum = outer-brain

frontal cortex or frontal lobe = front-brain

thalamus = way-station

hypothalamus = master-regulator

cerebellum = balance-brain

amygdala = fear-attack-brain

limbic system = emotion-brain

aphasia = no-speech [expressive (out) receptive (in)]

apraxia = not-do

agnosia = not-know

brain lesion = brain hurt

temporal lobes = temple-lobes

parietal lobe = rearward-lobe

lateral = side

posterior = rear

anterior = front

hydrocephalus = water-brain

CT scan = x-ray structure scan

MRI = MRI structure scan

PET scan (positron emission tomography) or = activity scan

fMRI = structure and activity scan

nootropic drugs = reason drugs

geriatrics = old-folks healing

hippocampus = memory-formation area

stroke = block-channel-brain or burst-channel-brain

motor cortex = movement-shell

somatosensory cortex = body-in-take shell

EEG = brain-wave-graph

alpha wave = rest-wave

beta wave = active-wave

delta wave = deep-sleep-wave

autonomic nervous system = free-nervous-system

voluntary or somatic nervous system = directed-nervous-system

sympathetic nervous system = action-nervous-system

parasympathetic nervous system = rest-nervous-system


pituitary gland = master gland

hormones = harmones

endocrine system = no-duct system

right hemisphere = right half

left hemisphere = left half

adrenal glands = stress glands

Broco's area = speech-making area

Wernicke’s area =